The rapid rise of robot installs is just one of the many changes on the horizon
For the past three years, business leaders and organizations have faced an unyielding procession of challenges. As we usher in 2023, many of those challenges persist, and new ones are emerging. Yet, as unwavering as the challenges have been, technology and innovation have proven to be just as resilient. In its new whitepaper, 37 Technology Stats You Need to Know for 2023, global technology intelligence firm ABI Research has identified and highlighted the most impactful forecasts that illuminate the direction in which digital transformation is truly heading.
“From among the many millions of data points ABI Research creates each year, we have focused on the most enlightening stats that will shape the year ahead. The rapid rise of robot installs is just one of the many changes on the horizon that are indicative of a more connected, technology-driven world,” Stuart Carlaw, Chief Research Officer at ABI Research explains.
Industrial, Collaborative & Commercial Robotics:
The global economy is recovering robustly, as manifested in the strong order intake in robotics in 2021, which has carried over to 2022. There have certainly been plenty of catch-up effects, including government initiatives and incentives, such as the NextGenerationEU program from the European Union (EU). “Global robot installations grew tremendously throughout 2021 and have continued to do so in 2022, reaching record levels for industrial and collaborative robots. However, this boom after a crisis cycle is expected to fade out in 2023 somewhat, and the war in Ukraine, along with inflationÂary pressure, is expected to accelerate this process,” explains ABI Research Director Lian Jye Su.
“Nobody has a crystal ball, but we can say with relative certainty that the challenging climate will persist well into 2023. These statistics should provide insights and actionable data needed to chart a successful course in 2023 and beyond,” Carlaw concludes.
Tags: ABI ResearchPrnasia